Steampunk Spotlight: TotusMel Tats

I’ve decided. There are way too may splendid artists doing Steampunk jewelry, accessories, couture, and other cool things, so I’m going to have a blog post every week on one of these amazing artists and their work. This may come in the form of a guest post or just me showing some pictures and linking to their Etsy site.

Etsy, by the way, is a great place to find unique, handmade items.

It is extremely important to support artists now. Too many times we have heard how some famous artist or poet or author or musician of yesteryear died penniless… that’s because their contemporaries didn’t support their art. Don’t wait until an artist dies of starvation & don’t buy corporate.

Be unique.
Buy handmade.

Our first Steampunk Spotlight artist is TotusMel Tats.

I first saw Pamela’s amazing work during Steampunkapalooza over at STEAMED!

Imagine wearing this lovely tatted ensemble to a Steampunk Masked Ball. This unique and elegant mask with matching choker ensemble would ensure you catch that special airship captain’s eye. No doubt.

(from Wikipedia) “Tatting is a technique for handcrafting a particularly durable lace constructed by a series of knots and loops…Tatting dates to the early 19th century.”

It was quite popular in the Victorian era, and much to my delight, it’s making a comeback with Steampunk. Pamela’s beautiful tats should be a staple in any self-respecting Steampunk wardrobe.

See more of TotusMel’s fabulous tats at HER ETSY SHOP. Please visit her shop. Take your time and look around at all her beautiful work. If you like something, buy it! At the very, very least, share it on your Facebook page and on Twitter using the “share” link to the right of the listing.

Connect with TotusMel on Facebook & Twitter!

You have a steady paycheck. You have health insurance. You have a retirement plan.
Many, many artists don’t.

Buy Handmade. Support Artists Now.

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

How about you?


Do you make Steampunk-something?
Would you like to be a part of this Steampunk Spotlight?
Contact Olivia to submit your handmade product.

~ by omgrey on May 13, 2010.

2 Responses to “Steampunk Spotlight: TotusMel Tats”

  1. I love her stuff. She does the most amazing work and just seems like an awesome person! Her alice in wonderland inspired collection was truly a work of art 🙂

  2. Plus, if you like how something is made but it clashes with your wardrobe, you can special order a specific color. Try doing that with corporate.

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